Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Progressing with the front "blades"

As well as turning the floor-plane a grassy green colour (hey, it's a lawnmower after all) I've started refining the front blades:

Basically, what I did was this:

The end of the blade section is a cylinder modelled with 30 vertices. (Remember that in this post I noticed that there are 5 blades, and 30 divides evenly by 5.)

I took every sixth face on one end of the narrow end-section, subdivided the long edges, and then extruded the faces nearer the circumference. I repeated the extrusion several times until I got to the centre-line, then duplicated and mirrored the whole lot, and basically twisted it all up by selecting groups of vertices and rotating them around the axis of the cutters.

I think I moved the light-source too. It certainly looks that way from the render.

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