Friday 23 March 2007

Sketching in some blocks and cylinders

The basic lawnmower is going to be a cross between your standard F1 car and a cylinder lawnmower: this image (from the British Lawnmower Museum - who'd a thunk it? lol) should give an idea of the lawnmower style.

(note to self - the front cutter has 5 blades apparently)

Now, having put in a cylinder for the front cutter, a cylinder for the rear roller, and some guides for where the rest of the body and the aerofoils are going, I got to this point:

Now, this gives me an idea of where everything is for positioning of the camera (I'll leave the lights for later; just the default light at the moment will have to do.)

Looks more dynamic, no?

Over the next few posts I'll be adding detail (a LOT of detail), a background, some sort of engine-looking thing, and a whole lot of other bits and bobs. I guess I need a driver too come to think.

By the way, if anyone's interested in the .blend files, I can provide them for what I've done so far.

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